Pre-Wedding Skincare

Pre-Wedding Skincare

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Pre-Wedding Skincare Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide
You’ve got your dress picked out, the venue booked, and the honeymoon destination set up… but have you planned your skincare routine before the big day?

Preparing your skin in advance of a wedding is essential in ensuring a radiant and flawless complexion for your special day. Whether you’re aiming to address specific concerns or simply enhance your natural glow, dedicating ample time to skincare preparation can make a significant difference in achieving your desired results. By investing in your skin’s health well in advance, you can step into the spotlight with confidence.

Your Pre-Wedding Skincare 6-Month Plan

If you want to look your absolute best, we recommend planning your facials at least 6 months in advance. We will begin this series with one of our personal favorites: The Pro Skin Treatment. This innovative treatment utilizes diamond photoabrasion, light therapy, microcurrent, and biosonix ultrasound to rejuvenate the skin without any discomfort or recovery time.

Four weeks after your Pro Skin Treatment, it’s time for a Remodeling with Deep Cleanse Treatment. This purifying treatment accelerates the healing of imperfections and tightens the pores for a more balanced complexion.

The Oxylight Treatment is up next, scheduled another four weeks later. This service is just like the Pro Skin Treatment with the addition of Oxygen Therapy in the form of a pure oxygen infusion spray, as well as full spectrum LED. The result is a brightened, less puffy complexion.

Up next, four weeks after your Oxylight Treatment, is the Supreme Remodeling Treatment. This is the ultimate facial for toning your skin and achieving that radiant complexion. This treatment combines Remodeling Face to sculpt, a fruit acid peel to exfoliate, and a custom-picked booster based on your skin’s unique needs.

Four weeks after The Supreme Remodeling Treatment, the regimen continues with a Micro-Puncture Lab (MPL) Treatment Series. The MPL Series is based on the skin’s ability to regenerate and rejuvenate epidermal cells when stimulated. The production of collagen and elastin are increased, which boosts the skin’s elasticity and reduces the appearance of imperfections. The end result is a refined complexion, with fine lines and uneven texture smoothed. For a serious boost to go in line with your MPL Series, use Cocktail d’Actifs Régénérants at home. This series of 28 serums activates epidermal regeneration and revitalizes the skin, perfectly complementing your MPL treatments. You will have your MPL Series once a week for four consecutive weeks – 4 total treatments spanning over 1 month.

To cap off your 6-Month Pre-Wedding Skincare plan, we suggest The Gold Treatment. This Toska Spa Exclusive Treatment is perfect for a fabulous, photo-ready complexion. A mild peel and a custom blend of quintessential serums combined with Remodeling Face will deliver instant firmness and radiance so you will look your absolute best on your big day!

Short on Time?

If you don’t have 6 months, don’t fret! If you need your bridal facials to fit a shorter time frame, you may discuss custom treatment regimens with Toska. To enquire, email

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